With today's availability of pre-hung doors and frames, many homeowners decide to replace an entire unit when only the door is damaged. If your door is damaged beyond repair, but the frame is still in good shape, consider leaving the frame in place and adding a new door. This project can improve the look of your home, and may even make the closure more secure. Most homeowners will find that this project can be completed in just a few hours.
Remove the existing door from its hinges. Place a center punch under the hinge pins and use it to drive them out of the hinges. Use a drill or screwdriver to remove the remaining hinge leaves from the door, but leave the ones on the frame in place. Set the door aside for disposal or consider donating it to a construction salvage facility.
Determine the handedness of your door. Stand on the secure side of the door (the side where you need a key to open it) and check which side the hinges are on. If the hinges are to your right, you have a right-hand frame and will need to buy a right-hand door. If the hinges are to the left, you have a left-hand frame and will need a left-hand door.
Size your new door. The door should be 1/8" narrower than the frame in width and 1/2" to 3/4" shorter than the frame in height. If you have thick carpeting or other flooring around the door that may interfere with the door's operation, choose a door that is 3/4" shorter than the frame. If you have concrete or sheet flooring, choose a door that is 1/2" shorter than the frame.
Lay out the hinges on your new door. Measure the hinge locations on the existing frame, then transfer these locations to the edge of the door. Each hinge should be placed 1/8" higher on the door than it is on the frame. This extra space provides clearance so the door can swing properly in opening.
Place a hinge router template on the edge of the door and use a router to create a recess for the hinges. These templates are very affordable, and can make hinge preparation virtually error-proof. You can also use a wood chisel to create these hinge recesses by hand. The recesses should be equal to the height of each hinge leaf.
Install the hinges on the door in the recessed areas you created in Step 5. Screw each hinge in place, making sure to include screws in all of the holes on the hinge. Place the door into the opening and use a hammer to drive the hinge pins back in and rehang the door.
Purchase a lock or handle and install it on the door according to the manufacturer's installation instructions. You will save yourself a bit of work by aligning the new lock with the existing lock strike on the frame.